/SGA recap September 2 and 9
SGA RecapGraphic by Bell Jackson

SGA recap September 2 and 9

The first SGA meeting was held on Sept. 2. During executive officer reports, SGA President Thomas Dillard brought up the state of the dining hall, noting lower turnout than usual. Then, the senators brought up possibly acquiring more room in the cafeteria and a stronger push for the to-go option. It was also announced that applications for Mr. & Ms. Montevallo have opened on FalconLink.

Another announcement was for an event called “Boom Boom Bingo” which is set to take place on Sept 24. During the Sept. 9 meeting, it was announced that SGA applications would be coming to FalconLink. 

Wesley Hyde is the digital media manager of the Alabamian. He is a senior Mass Communications major focusing on broadcast and production. He enjoys online gaming with friends, and listening to podcasts.