/March SGA update
SGA RecapGraphic by Bell Jackson

March SGA update

By Wesley Hyde

The March 4 SGA meeting opened up with SGA President Thomas Dillard reminding everyone of the University’s announcement of a full opening in the fall.  

This was followed by an announcement that the Food Advisory Committee was bringing back a waffle machine to the cafeteria and would be adding a hot chocolate and frappuccino machine.  

The rest of the meeting consisted of the executive cabinet members describing their positions for those looking to fill these now-open positions.  

The March 10 meeting opened with university committee reports where Dillard shared that the Distance Education Advisory committee are working on fixing technical issues that are affecting students, which was followed by a reminder to set up Duo authentication with university accounts.  

During senate reports, Governmental Affairs went over their attempts to resolve issues with the air conditioning in Bloch.  

They said a representative shared that the air conditioning was on a system which monitored and followed student usage of the facility and would not be changing.  

Campus life announced they were looking into gathering gifts and other things for resident assistants and other campus workers and would be looking into new legislation.  

Wesley Hyde is the digital media manager of the Alabamian. He is a senior Mass Communications major focusing on broadcast and production. He enjoys online gaming with friends, and listening to podcasts.