/SGA discusses housing policy and potential improvements on campus
SGA RecapGraphic by Bell Jackson

SGA discusses housing policy and potential improvements on campus

The Nov. 4 SGA meeting started off with an announcement from Student Trustee Annakate Andrasko who attended the Board of Trustees meeting. According to Androsko, if a COVID-19 vaccine has been created by the beginning of the spring semester, it may not be a requirement for students to receive.  

Andrasko made a few more announcements: Zoom premium would be made available for both professors and students, the administration is looking into further training in online course delivery for professors, and that treasurer Susan Haze has approved discounting rates for the summer semester.  

During the Nov. 11 SGA meeting, senate committees gave meeting reports. 

Governmental affairs brought up a desire for a new net and stands for sand volleyball and also said they were looking into purchasing equipment for disc golf. Student Rights and Interests are looking into writing new legislation for improved lighting in the following areas: King Quad, The Tower, and Brook Quad.  

Academic affairs discussed the importance of improving the internet on campus. They also discussed increases in tuition and fees, such as an increase in meal plan prices during the pandemic, and students’ perception of lost value from reduced hours at the Cafeteria. 

The Campus Life representative confirmed that the Physical Plant will be distributing more seating around campus, as well as new cement pads.  

Freshman Forum brought forward Resolution 2021-R-002 to revise visitation rules in campus residential buildings.  

This resolution would establish visitation time between 2pm and 9pm while maintaining capacity rules. Roommate approval would be required as well as a revised roommate agreement to adapt to this, and mask rules would also be maintained in the resident halls.  

The forum’s representative said that the housing department has shown approval for establishing some form of legislation despite some concerns. SGA president Thomas Dillard said that based on what he knew through his involvement with the Covid-19 task force that the University was unlikely to fully approve the resolution. Though the resolution got a vote of 8 to 5, the vote was made null and postponed for the next meeting, due to the attendance not being enough for a quorum. 

Wesley Hyde is the digital media manager of the Alabamian. He is a senior Mass Communications major focusing on broadcast and production. He enjoys online gaming with friends, and listening to podcasts.