/Checking in: Will Montevallo soon have a new hotel?

Checking in: Will Montevallo soon have a new hotel?

The Montevallo Development Cooperative District (MDCD) recently approved a budget to investigate the possibility of a hotel in Montevallo.

According to an AL.com article, the MDCD “approved a contract with Interim Hospitality Consultants LLC worth $8,500 to provide the group with information on whether Montevallo could sustain a motel or similar lodging establishment.”

“All indications suggests we have the capacity to support a hotel,” says Montevallo mayor Hollie Cost. “If an establishment is built in the city, our leaders believe it would have a significant impact on tourism in Montevallo and, in turn, the economy as a whole.”

Cost says city leaders are hoping overnight accommodations could boost the draw of Montevallo’s parks, the nationally recognized nature trail, Aldrich Coal Mine museum and other cultural features.

In addition to a hotel, a restaurant and possible venue are also being considered.

In his state of the university address, UM President John Stewart mentioned a potential plan to convert Jeter Hall into a hotel.

“We are confident that the time is ripe for a hotel in Montevallo and are systematically working toward securing one in the future,” says Cost.