/SGA senate meeting

SGA senate meeting

The SGA senate gathered on the afternoon of Feb. 19 to discuss five pieces of legislature. All five pieces of the following legislation were passed by the senate.

1) The title of UPC coordinator, normally elected by the student body, will instead be appointed by the SGA president. This is amended due to the position’s strict time commitments, serious responsibilities and need of professionalism.

2) The requirements for SGA president and vice president are now the same. Whereas the class requirement for vice president used to be a sophomore ranking, students must now be at least juniors to run for the office of either SGA president or vice president.

3) In the event of the SGA president stepping down, the SGA vice president will be asked to assume office as acting president. The new president will then appoint a new vice president.

4) The office hours of the SGA president are now officially set to five throughout the week. A contradictory article in the constitution was changed to reflect this number.

5) The student body supports the university installing more electrical outlets in both the bottom and top floors of Carmichael Library to better accommodate studying students.