/SGA recap
SGA RecapGraphic by Bell Jackson

SGA recap

SGA swore in a new senator for Resident Life, Candler Brown. In the Sept. 16 meeting, Bill: 2021 B-001 B-030, which was titled 2020-2021 Budget and Finance Committee Budget Proposal, was proposed. This bill, like the title implied, reviewed the requested budgets and funding for the student organizations and allocated the funds among the organizations accordingly. 

The bill passed with no opposition during the Sept. 23 meeting. It was also announced by SGA President Thomas Dillard that he and Student Trustee Anakate Andrasko would be attending a Board of Trustees meeting on Sept. 29 about the renaming of some of the buildings on campus whose names hold racist historical backgrounds.  

Upon asking for opinions from those present, all supported the renaming of these buildings and a common sentiment was that plaques should also be added to the buildings to give context for the new names.  

A blood drive was also announced and will be held Oct. 22.  

Wesley Hyde is the digital media manager of the Alabamian. He is a senior Mass Communications major focusing on broadcast and production. He enjoys online gaming with friends, and listening to podcasts.