/SGA President see success

SGA President see success

SGA President Tanya Hoang has focused on having more opportunities for students on campus. Photo by Donnie Bennett.

UM’s SGA is striving to wow students this year. W.O.W. weekends, or “What’s on this Weekend,” is one of many things student government president Tanya Hoang is proud to lead.

Hoang explained the success she feels SGA has experienced with their recent events. “Good response to the WOW weekend, I don’t know that [students] stayed more, but more than we expected have participated in it. Especially our Carnival for a Cure, that was a really big hit. We raised a little over $800.”

According to Hoang, students, faculty have been reaching out to the SGA executive cabinet and senate more frequently about issues and hoping to see a resolution. “They’re not afraid to let us know that there’s a problem, and that really makes me feel better. I think they have more confidence in us, and one day they’ll know we’re who they can talk to.”

After a triumphant blood drive and weekend events, Hoang is hoping to be just as successful with the Higher Ed Day rally in the spring. In the past, roughly one hundred students have attended. SGA is looking to be more ambitious in their numbers this year.

Although they have seen some achievement this year, student government hasn’t been all smooth-sailing. Mid-semester there were open positions in both the senate and executive cabinet. One executive member had to resign for unknown personal reasons.

“[He] did resign, he was not removed from office. I think its a really good reminder to everyone on SGA that we do have standards to uphold, because we’re all student leaders. It did slow us down, but when you have parts missing other parts will pick up slack, and that’s exactly what we did.” Although stressful, Hoang explains it’s still worth it.

SGA has also been working closely with UM President John Stewart to make changes “for the better.” Hoang did not comment on what specifically, but things are currently in the process. “There’s nothing comfortable about progress, and change has to happen to stay innovative and on your best game,” said Hoang.

There will be major changes coming for Jeter Hall, and possibly the campus population, in the near future. During Stewart’s recent visit with the senate, he spoke about the possibility of Jeter becoming a hotel for guests to the university. Stewart has also confirmed that a women’s lacrosse team will be introduced in the fall of 2016.

Students can look forward to more events hosted by UPC and SGA within the coming semester, including a bystander prevention workshop.