/Repairs imminent for caf pizza oven

Repairs imminent for caf pizza oven

Photos by Amalia Kortright by The Alabamian.

The pizza ovens in the Anna Irvin Dining Hall have been reported as broken as of last week, leaving UM students without access to pizza in the cafeteria.

The ovens were reported to have been in good shape before they broke. However, according to Falcon Foods director Scott Giddens, “part of the wiring harness burned up.”

(Pizza ovens)
New parts for the pizza oven have been ordered after a wiring issue caused the machine to malfunction.

Reactions to the news of the broken ovens have been mixed.

“I think [the staff is] disappointed that they’re not able to provide something that their customers want,” said Giddens, “I’m sure that a certain number of students are disappointed. We sell less pizza now than we have as of last year, so a lot of students are making other choices, anyway, but I’m sure many are disappointed. I’m disappointed.”

According to junior Kenzie Cook, “It doesn’t affect me. I don’t really eat the pizza, anyway.”

The UM Physical Plant has been notified. According to Giddens, the parts that are necessary to fix the ovens have already shipped from the manufacturer. “Hopefully, we will be back up and running by next week,” said Giddens.