/New Year’s resolutions
New Year's resolutions across America by Hannah Stein. Data from statisticbrain.com.New Year's resolutions across America by Hannah Stein. Data from statisticbrain.com.

New Year’s resolutions

3 … 2 … 1 … Happy New Year! According to statisticbrain.com, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions. So what are the top three most popular 2014 New Year’s resolutions for students of the University of Montevallo?

I asked 10 UM female students and 10 UM male students who answered yes or no for the most popular resolutions. The others who were asked stated no resolution or gave one of the 10 listed.

Most popular for girls of UM are

  • lose weight,
  • enjoy life to the fullest and
  • stay fit and healthy.

For the boys,

  • stay fit and healthy,
  • no resolution and
  • learn something exciting.

What about the least popular resolutions for UM students? Out of the 10 girls votes: falling in love and quitting smoking. The least popular for the males was losing weight, with only one vote in total.

Freshman Austin Goodwin said, “My resolution is to be more positive and to be less negative on how I view others — also, not to let others influence my decisions.”

Sophomore Jacob Robertson
Sophomore Jacob Robertson

Sophomore Jacob Robertson said, “I resolved to be a better friend to those around me.”

Junior Ceth Brookes Fountain said, “I want to establish a direction.”

Junior Alli Ward said, “I am going to be five inches taller. I have resolved to get taller somehow.”

Senior Christian McNeal said, “My resolution is to stop writing 2013 on my documents.”

Senior Alyssa Jenkins said, “My resolution is to just get rid of anything negative or anything cramping my style.”

Senior Alyssa Jenkins. Photo by Maggie Schmitt
Senior Alyssa Jenkins. Photo by Maggie Schmitt

I also asked two UM faculty members what their resolutions were and if any of the 10 applied to them. I first asked Professor of French and Spanish, Rosa Stoops and then Professor of English Alexander Beringer.

Dr. Stoops says she would like to spend less, save more, help others in their dreams and learn something exciting. She said, “To learn something exciting is my most important resolution for the new year. I want to learn a trade: upholstery. This is what I would like to do when I retire, so I am looking forward to take a month of training in New York in the summer.”

Dr. Rosa Stoops
Dr. Rosa Stoops

Dr. Beringer’s resolution would fall under staying fit and healthy as he said, “My resolution is to keep track of my workouts.

According to statisticbrain.com, “People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.”

So, keep on thinking about those resolutions UM.