/Letter from the editor
Envelope reading "Letter from the Editor, Zoe Hall"Graphic by Bell Jackson

Letter from the editor

Envelope reading "Letter from the Editor, Zoe Hall"
Graphic by Bell Jackson

Dear readers,  

The last several months have been difficult, especially on my mental health, and I know I’m not alone in it. 

Recently, I have realized that I need to prioritize myself; my physical, mental and spiritual health are vital to success.  

 Previous to making health a priority, I couldn’t function; focusing on class or work felt impossible and I couldn’t even do the little things. Eating and sleeping well, exercising and being mindful has made such a big difference in my daily life. 

Personally, I was either choosing mental health over physical health or vice versa. I would either sit at home all day, feeling guilty for not doing as much, but whenever I went out, I felt good about my productivity but was risking physical health. There are some other students who I’m sure are doing the same. 

The only response I have to this is that productivity doesn’t determine your wealth and sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is take care of yourself.  

We cannot sustain a routine of getting up and working for 18 hours a day. Resting or taking a day to go do something fun you’ve been putting off is still a form of productivity; even though it may not appear to be pushing you in work or school, it makes all the difference in this marathon we call life.  

Things are a little fuzzy right now with the uncertainty that surrounds our daily lives, but such small things like calling my mom or eating a healthy dinner, has given me so much clarity. So, I would like to remind you to write, take a walk, call a loved one, do whatever makes you happy.  

The difference between a good day and a bad day can be as simple as that. 

Zoe Hall 

Editor in Chief 

Ariel Hall is a writer for The Alabamian. She is a senior communication studies major and enjoys reading and photography in her free time. Previously, Zoe has acted as editor in chief, lifestyles editor and advice columnist.