/Feminist Majority at full-throttle

Feminist Majority at full-throttle

Photo by Liza Schwieterman.

Reynolds room 114 is up and running every Thursday afternoon at 5:30 p.m. for a group dedicated to a singular cause: feminism.

The Montevallo Feminist Majority has been a club for roughly a year. Led by student president Liza Schwieterman, a junior communication studies student, the club is dedicated to educating members and the surrounding campus on rape culture, reproductive rights and gender representation in the media.

The meetings last roughly an hour with leeway for spirited discussions and laughs.

At the Feb. 19 meeting, members met and watched a documentary titled “Miss Representation.”

The film focuses on representation of women in the media and the harm and good it can do to children growing up in the nation today. The documentary led to a discussion on women in politics and how they are represented, particularly when running for presidential elections.

Emphasis was placed on the obsession regarding how women in politics dress and act when the same criticism is not given to their male counterparts. On Feb. 26, the group held a joint meeting with Student Secular Alliance focusing on the role of women in religion.

For their March 5 meeting, the club will be discussing daily microaggressions.

Feminist Majority has been responsible for events such as a tabling to spread awareness of their organization and the Handprint Project, which was held in order to show support for consensual sex.

Among the events planned for the upcoming semester is a possible fundraiser which is still in the discussion phase, awareness events and plans to attend a regional conference with another college’s Feminist Majority.

UPDATE: Due to winter weather conditions, the Montevallo Feminist Majority will not be meeting tonight, March 5.