/A masculine makeover for charity

A masculine makeover for charity

(From left to right): Matt Suddarth, Harrison Allinder, John Gasson, Marcos Cruz, David Poehler, Taylor Kosman, Austin Coyle and TC Lowery. Photo by Donnie Bennett.

Palmer Auditorium was a crowded, chattering place on Feb. 26 during Alpha Gamma Delta’s (AGD) He’s A Lady pageant. Each year, the Panhellenic and Interfraternity organization on campus elects a male student to represent them in the competition. The night also serves as AGD’s annual event to raise funds for juvenile diabetes research through the sorority’s foundation of the same name.

Each participant was presented in turn, all dressed for the occasion. Alpha Delta Pi’s (ADPI) Kira Kerdanserin was the first to make an entrance in a black dress, followed by Alpha Kappa Lambda’s (AKL) Penelope Patrick wearing mint green and a pink hat. Alpha Tau Omega’s (ATO) candidate, Honey Bear, appeared to loud applause in a floral ensemble.

Yolanda was Chi Omega’s (XO) representative and wore a pink mermaid style dress, which contrasted with Delta Gamma’s (DG) Tina Chartreuse Putnik’s nude sparkly gown. Lambda Chi Alpha’s (LXA) participant, Anaconda, made an appearance in a flowy, crème dress and was followed by Suzi Stars and Stripes from Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) in a short blue dress. Last was Amanda Reckonwith for Phi-Mu, who debuted in a floral printed outfit.

Each participant was asked two questions for their interview, one serious and one silly. The questions varied from things like “Who is the most influential person in your life?” to which the response from Kerdanserin was Beyoncé, to “What name would you give a lipstick brand?” to which Anaconda replied “Alpha-damn.” The interview portion was followed by a display of the different participant’s talents.

Kerdanserin  sang “Ticki Ticki Toomba” and “Gold Let’s go Golds”, followed by Patrick’s rendition of Ed Sheeran’s “Don’t”. Both performances had crowds singing and dancing along. Yolanda, Putnik and Anaconda all danced while Stars and Stripes played a saxophone. Reckonwith finished the talent portion with a short sock puppet routine before yodeling and singing, to laughter and applause from the audience.

Prizes were presented for ticket buyers in the form of a raffle at various times during the pageant. The prizes were gift cards of various amounts to Panera Bread, LJ’s Boutique, Doodles and Falcon Art Supply.

After the talent portion ended, the judges deliberated while the audience was serenaded by the previous year’s winner, FIJI Kevin Britt. Britt played slower versions of “Ms. New Booty” and “Get Low” on his ukulele.

At the competition’s end,Reckonwith won second runner-up. Putnik won first runner-up and Anaconda won Miss Congeniality and overall. The winners all took an onstage selfie together to commemorate their wins.

Alpha Gamma Delta raised $1114.19 for charity from the event.