/College Night virtual experience

College Night virtual experience

SGA President Tanya Hoang announces the winning side of College Night 2015. The University offered a virtual experience of the homecoming tradition this year through a streaming service. Photo by Jasmyne Ray.

On Feb. 14, the University of Montevallo celebrated its annual College Night tradition, but this year the University offered something different for those unable to attend the show in person.

A live stream of the show and the announcement of winners was broadcast for anyone willing to pay a $20 fee with no refund. The University offered a similar service in 2014 but used the production talents of the Mass Communication department free of charge. Based on the views from 2014, the school decided it would be lucrative to add a fee.

Emmalyn Loeffler, a UM alumna in Georgia, says she streamed the show a year ago for free and that she paid to stream it this year. “I wish I could be at the show in person but have been unable to attend for a long time. This option allows me to see the tradition that I got to be a part of. It allows me to feel somehow still connected. I am so glad the school offered it, and I will pay for it again next year if they offer it,” said Loeffler.

Brent Mauldin, another University alumnus, said being able to stream the show and feel like he was there made it worth the small fee. “The streaming was clear and gave a good feel for how packed the auditorium was,” said Mauldin.

“Overall, the streaming was successful. I am glad we have the technology to do this,” said UM president John Stewart.

“Allowing those who have gone on to make their mark on the world to see something they were once a part of is just a small part of what some feel makes the Montevallo community strong,” said Haley Myers, a junior majoring in mass communication.