Side leaders show civility

Despite being opposite College Night sides, Michael Cleary and James Powers are brothers for life. Two days before the College Night Mixer on Sept. 22, students from both Purple and Gold sides gathered together to…

Purple side show a swashbuckling good time

The Purple Victory cast performs "All Hands on Deck", their College Night 2016 show. This year, Purple side brought the audience along on an adventure on the high seas. Their 2016 show opened with the…

Fashion on the Bricks- College Night

Laura Binford and Jared Wright show off their College Night Side spirit in their style choices during the season. Photo by Jasmyne Ray/The Alabamian. Next to the performances and athletic events, fashion is the most…

Online exclusive: Vintage Purples

During College Night season it’s not uncommon to run into the familiar faces of Purples past. Whether they’re sharing stories of their time at UM or assisting active Purples in their fight for a PV,…