/Cows enter lions’ den in ultimate frisbee

Cows enter lions’ den in ultimate frisbee

Photos by Jasmyne Ray for The Alabamian.

Purples and Golds took to the field Saturday Feb. 6 for a test of their Frisbee skills. Gold side took an instant lead, eventually going on to win 27-5.

Despite their loss, Purple Side Captain Brian Kirkwood was extremely proud of his players. “We practiced hard, and we knew what we were up against,” said Kirkwood. “[We] weren’t running for the win. We wanted to build our players and hopefully come out for a win later in the years.”

A Gold team member prepares for a pass during the match. Photo by Jasmyne Ray.

For his team’s Most Valuable Player (MVP), Kirkwood chose Mason Murphy, who scored two points and one assist. “We could have done a lot better. Losing that much sucks,” said Murphy. “We were stretched too thin and the wind kept us from throwing it long.”


Jackson Miller, Gold Side Captain, chose Jacob Knight as his team’s MVP for the game, having earned four scores and 11 assists. According to Knight, it was a full team effort and the win was not only for the team, it was for Gold side.

Even with all the pent-up emotion from College Night, the teams were able to come together and be cordial. “I like that there’s no animosity and that they could come out and shake hands [regardless] of the score,” said Miller. “I wish it would be this way across the board.”