/SGA Senate recap April 8 2020

SGA Senate recap April 8 2020

The SGA Senate held its second zoom meeting this past Wednesday, April 8. The meeting started with a brief update from SGA President Olivia Eldridge about the possibility of students receiving refunds for on-campus fees, room and board.  

According to Eldridge, Dr. John Stewart, UM’s President, had informed her that he would be attending a meeting to speak with the board of trustees on the issue. Eldridge said that it had been conveyed to her that a refund was likely to require a vote by the entire board of trustees and that it could be awhile before students heard anything for certain.  

Moving on to executive officer reports, Madison Hollon, SGA Vice President, announced that she was working to have the student resource room fully set up.  

“I’m still navigating the whole resource room thing,” said Hollon. 

Hollon told the senate that she intends to go in on April 30 to set the room up. Hollon’s was the only executive report, so the senate moved on to legislation. 

Two bills were on the senate floor this week. The first was Bill 1920-B-037, which was tabled from last week, and would install an amazon tablet in the basement of the library for students to use to file electronic constituent reports.  

The goal of this, according to senate clerk, Zoe Scott, is “to make Senate better connected to the student body.” 

The bill was passed unopposed.  

The second bill brought to the floor, Bill 1920-B-038, was titled the “Allocation of Funds to Purchase Supplies for 3D Face Shields During COVID-19 Outbreak.”  

The bill set aside $2,000 out of the SGA’s budget to go toward funding the library to continue to use its 3D printer to create face mask for hospital workers.  

According to Hollon, the money would sustain the project for over two months.  

After the Senate finished asking questions, arts and sciences senator Natalie Roberts introduced a motion to suspend the rules to allow voting for the bill immediately. 

The motion passed and the senate voted to pass Bill 1920-B-038.  

Harrison Neville is the previous Editor in chief for The Alabamian. He is a fourth-year English major whose hobbies include reading, hiking, cooking and writing. He has previously worked for The Alabamian as a managing editor, distribution manager, copy editor and SGA columnist.