/SGA Recap

SGA Recap

In their first meeting since homecoming week, the Senate gathered in Farmer Hall to discuss resolutions, hear reports and swear in new members. 

In executive reports, Madison Hollon, SGA Vice President, informed the Senate that she was compiling a list of items that should be in the student organization resource room that SGA had previously discussed putting into Farmer, and asked for input from Senators. 

The University’s Sustainability Committee hosted a make and take event on Feb. 11.

There were two items of new business, the swearing in of a Senator and a resolution brought to the Senate floor. 

Jodiann Martin was sworn in as the new Athletic Senator.

The resolution brought to the floor was Resolution 001, which stated that UM should provide hand sanitizer stations in the basement of Davis Hall. 

In their report to the Senate, the Students Rights and Interest Committee stated that it was their belief that the station is necessary in the basement of Davis to help prevent the spread of germs. They also explained that the reason they had previously been unable to get support for this from Physical Plant was that Physical Plant believed the stations would be superfluous because students in Davis could just wash their hands. 

The Students Rights and Interest Committee disagreed with this viewpoint and said that there was no hot water in Davis for handwashing. 

It was the expressed view of the committee that the installation of hand sanitizer stations in Davis would help keep students from getting sick. 

After the Senate was finished asking questions, the resolution was tabled until next meeting. 

The screening of the movie, “Eight Days,” will take place in Farmer on Feb. 18, followed by WOW Weekend Feb. 21-22. 

The Junior League in Birmingham will come to speak about human trafficking at the Feb. 26 Town Hall. 

Applications for SGA are due in the Student Life office by Mar. 6.

SGA will host a blood drive on March 17 and 18.

The Big Event is scheduled for April 4.

Harrison Neville is the previous Editor in chief for The Alabamian. He is a fourth-year English major whose hobbies include reading, hiking, cooking and writing. He has previously worked for The Alabamian as a managing editor, distribution manager, copy editor and SGA columnist.