/SGA discusses inclusivity on campus 
Graphic by Makayla Montgomery.

SGA discusses inclusivity on campus 

By Sakaria Williams 

Increasing inclusivity on campus takes high priority at the past two SGA meetings. A step towards that goal is the plan to change the public bathrooms across campus.  

The two previous SGA meetings were on Sept. 27 and Oct. 5.  

At the Sept. 27 meeting, freshman Caleb Jernigan was inducted as the new Freshman Senator for the year.  

“I hope to boost whatever the people have in mind that they want to happen on campus,” said Jernigan. 

After the SGA meeting on Sept. 21, the SRIC, after the suggestions made by Spectrum, contacted Housing to discuss making bathrooms on campus to be gender-neutral. Housing has decided that all current private bathrooms will be changed into gender neutral bathrooms. This entails changing the signs outside the bathroom and new ones being installed by the Physical Plant. The funding for these signs will be from the SGA, specifically the senate budget. The current plan is for the new signs to be installed by next month. 

“Our next step for inclusivity on campus,” said SRIC Chair Lauren Tidwell, “is working with Banner Self Service and make it more accessible to students who would like to change their pronouns or their preferred name.” 

The University Program Council has many events coming up for the rest of October. Oct. 21-22 will be the WOW weekend for October, where on that Friday, there will be a Monster Mash Black Box at the Center of the Fine Arts. That Saturday, there will be a scary movie night at Brooke Quad. On Oct. 26, there will be a Fright Night at the Student Retreat Center, where there will be a haunted house that includes virtual reality.