/SGA appoints new Freshman Senators

SGA appoints new Freshman Senators

With COVID-19 making the fall semester unpredictable and scattered, many freshmen are looking for ways to get involved on campus. Many turned to SGA freshman senator applications and on Sept. 23, our SGA President announced that the freshman class will be represented by London Davis, Kaleigh Gable and Abigail Heuton.  

To become senators, the three had to campaign and strategize to win the votes of their class. Representing the freshman class, these three representatives want the student body to know who they are and what they hope to accomplish.  

London Davis is a social work, pre-law major and is from Mobile, Alabama. Davis decided to join SGA because she felt it would be a good way to get connected on campus.  

As a senator, Davis said, “I really hope to be a voice for my class because with COVID-19 there are so many struggles.”  

With COVID-19 making communication and connection harder for the freshman class, Davis hopes to bridge the gap.  

“I really want our community to be able to meet everyone. I hope to be able to plan events so our class can really get to know everyone,” stated Davis.   

Davis wants her peers to know that she is always open to hear comments and concerns about their ideas for the campus. 

Kaleigh Gable is an English major from Talladega, Alabama. For Gable, becoming an SGA senator allows her to hone in on advocacy skills.  

“I hope to give a better voice to people with disabilities and I strive towards an accessible future for all,” Gable said. 

Gable hopes to work towards a goal of becoming a disabilities civil rights attorney and feels SGA will allow her to widen her ability to become an active change for her peers. For Gable, SGA was the perfect opportunity for her own personal interest but also networking. 

Abigail Heuton, is currently an undecided major from Montevallo, Alabama. For Heuton, becoming an SGA senator is an opportunity for growth.  

“I am passionate about keeping the campus beautiful and safe for everyone,” said Heuton.  

By representing the freshman class, Heuton hopes to see growth in the community of the campus but also the campus itself. Like Davis, Heuton also plans to be a voice for her class.  

“There are so many different types of people who are a part of the University and I want to make sure everyone feels seen and heard,” states Heuton.  

Heuton has plans to connect the freshman class and make sure they feel involved on campus. 

 All in all, Davis, Gable and Heuton won an accumulative of 48 votes. The freshman senators all hope to make a positive change on campus and are prepared to be a voice for the many different members of the freshman class. As the year continues, these three will work alongside other SGA senators to better the community and campus of Montevallo. 

Aubrie Chastain is a writer for The Alabamian. She is a first-year political science major with plans to attend law school. She enjoys a good book, coffee and hikes.