/Review: The Choice

Review: The Choice

When I hear the name Nicholas Sparks, images of tear-jerking, ovary-exploding will-he-get-the-girl love scenes flash across my mind. For years, Sparks has made a household name for himself when it comes to romance and, well, creating “sparks.”

Whether it is on page or the silver screen, this man knows the way to audiences’ feels.

The recent film adaptation of his book, “The Choice,” a tale of the trials and tribulations of being neighbors in love, did not quite ignite like classics “The Notebook” or “A Walk to Remember.” Instead, “The Choice” fizzled to a dull ember.

Between the cheesy, almost uneducated, Southern drawls and the unbearably awkward, uncomfortable silences, it’s safe to say this movie does not live up to its hype.tcap

The lack of chemistry between the main characters and the stiff, artless dialogue made it cringeworthy at best. The passionate love between them was more like an acquaintanceship. The storyline was dodgy and carelessly pieced together, with an inaccurate timeline and numerous plot holes, presenting this viewer with a lot of “huh?” moments.

To say the film is all bad would be unfair. I found myself hiding a smile at times due to the witty banter and boyish antics from male lead Travis Shaw, played by Benjamin Walker, who, despite his phony accent, still manages to ooze charm. The setting on the Carolina coastline wasn’t too shabby either.         

But despite heartfelt moments when the actors decide to break the robot facade of just going through the motions, they never manage to make up for it in the end. “The Choice” is a flop with its lack of detail, development and believability. The characters are flat and false.

I struggled through it so you don’t have to. You’re welcome. My advice to prospective movie-goers would be to maybe avoid this one until its Redbox release. Go spend your money on “Deadpool,” “Dirty Grandpa” or the boneless wings at B-Dubs.