/New SGA organizations
Graphic by Bell Jackson

New SGA organizations

By Wesley Walter

Montevallo’s Student Government Association has officially resumed meetings as of Sept. 9. Among the newer and lesser-known elements of the organization are the SGA’s Supreme Court and General Assembly. 

The Supreme Court of SGA works in a very similar way to the US Supreme Court. The Court’s role is interpreting the SGA’s Constitution and Bylaws. This may include giving rulings on questions that are not specifically covered by the SGA constitution or ruling on the constitutionality of an action taken by the Senate or Executive Cabinet. 

The Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice and four Associate Justices. The SGA President is able to appoint two members to the Supreme Court per year. After this, remaining vacancies may be filled when a Supreme Court appointee receives a nomination and majority vote from the SGA Senate. 

The Supreme Court may be called upon by the SGA President, a majority of the Senate, or SGA Election Committee when needed to make rulings on an issue. 

The General Assembly consists of SGA members who are drawn from the general population and are not intended to represent any particular class or student demographic. General Assembly members are also known as members at large.  

Members at large are allowed to serve as non-voting members of Senate Committees when appointed by the SGA’s Vice President. General Assembly members also have the ability to endorse legislation before it is added to the docket presented to the Senate 

General Assembly meetings are held bi-monthly at a date and time, specified by the assembly’s presiding officer. These meetings are open to any University of Montevallo student, and any attendee is free to request the privilege of the floor. 

Wesley Walter is managing editor for The Alabamian. He is a junior English major and mass communications minor. Wesley boasts a 750 credit score, boyish good looks and soulful eyes that contain a deep indescribable sadness. In his free time, he enjoys travelling, visiting gas stations and thinking about getting into surfing.