/He loves me, he loves me not: Valentine’s day at its best and worst

He loves me, he loves me not: Valentine’s day at its best and worst

Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since medieval times when people believed that on Feb. 14 “birds select[ed] their mates.”

According to history.com, “The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. The Catholic church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.”

St. Valentine is where the name Valentine’s Day originated. History.com details about how one legend describes the Saint holding secret christian wedding ceremonies, out of sight of Roman authorities

According to the site, the first of the holiday’s famous greeting was sent by the saint himself while in jail. “Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote a young visitor a letter signed ‘From your Valentine,’ an expression that is still in use today.”

Valentine’s Day is a holiday marked on the calendar and remains to be celebrated every year. Some love to hate this day of romance while others are infatuated by its concept.

These differing stories from University of Montevallo students shed a light on the different reasons why love in the air is sweet to some and sour to others.


Photo Credit: Maggie Cook
Photo Credit: Maggie Cook

Sophomore Soloman Vann

“I would say the best Valentine’s Day I’ve had wasn’t one where a girl and I were talking.” His favorite Valentine’s Day was when he took his friend a Valentine to cheer her up after a bad break. “That was the best because I got to see the smile on her face, and her life was made.”



“My boyfriend of the time had just left for basic training, and had only gotten one phone call. It was super late on Valentine’s Day when his stepmom, who hates even the thought of me, texted me just to ‘let me know that he had called her to let her know that he was doing okay.’ She was mean and wanted to let me know that she got his one phone call that was allowed, on Valentine’s Day, when I hadn’t heard from him in a month.”


Junior Nick Hammet:

His best Valentine’s Day was when he and his girlfriend spent the whole day together at a nice restaurant in the Summit.

“The worst is probably when I was really young, in middle school, when I didn’t have a girlfriend. This gorgeous girl gave me a valentine, but it was one of those anonymous ones where the teacher gives it to you and it turns out she just wrote the wrong name down. So, sad day, but it was forever ago.”


Photo Credit: Deanna Tack
Photo Credit: Deanna Tack

                                                        Senior Emily Vonbartheld:

“Two years ago on Valentine’s Day, I worked at Edible Arrangements. When you order an arrangement, you leave a message to go on the card when the arrangement is delivered. Many of the cards had a simple ‘I love you!’ or ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’ We got in two orders from the same man. They had the same message on both arrangements with only the name changed. Right after the orders had come in on the computer, we received a phone call from him. He said, ‘Please, make sure that these two arrangements do not get mixed up! I’ll get in so much trouble if you mix these two up!’ I felt bad, but the customer is always right, right?”




Though Valentine’s Day isn’t always what we romance it to be, the assorted chocolates and love stricken declarations have yet to diminish. So whether you celebrate with a hopeful heart or a sarcastic Facebook status, happy Valentine’s Day!