/Film club shooting for the silver screen

Film club shooting for the silver screen

Co-presidents Ryan Ahrendt and Morgan Evans lead a discussion of some plot details for their club’s production, “It’s Just a Game”. Photo by Geordie Kennedy for The Alabamian.

On Thursday nights, interested students will find Reynolds 114 abuzz with lively discussion, creative ideas and film jargon of all kinds. The Montevallo Film Production Club, a relatively new organization on campus, has been growing quickly in both membership and creative output.

Co-presidents Ryan Ahrendt, a junior communication studies major, and Morgan Evans, a freshman in the mass communication department, are both hopeful for the club. “We’ve been quickly growing,” said Evans. This is evident in the meetings themselves with more and more ambitious short filmmakers turning out every week.

According to the club leadership, the artists involved are intensely passionate and determined regarding their craft. The club members are more than willing to put in the time commitment required for a film of any kind. “We’re really dedicated,” said Evans. “Even if it takes seven days a week or goes to three in the morning, we’ll do it.”

Since its inception in September of last year, the organization’s purpose has been to “collaborate with students who can come together to create original film,” said Ahrendt. This purpose has culminated in the club’s most recent work, a horror thriller film entitled, “It’s Just a Game.”

This film, projected to be completed toward the end of the month, is a creatively collaborative work on the part of all members of the club. The onscreen talent will be provided by organization members as well.

As far as goals are concerned, Ahrendt and Evans hope to take the films to competition. “We really want to be able to submit them to the Sidewalk Film Festival,” said Ahrendt, a Birmingham based annual event in August. The club also maintains its aim for the prestigious Sundance Film Festival.

“This club flourishes off of Montevallo’s creativity,” said Evans, and this is precisely what the Film Production Club is searching for in prospective members. The presidents are searching for dedicated, flexible students with a passion for film.

Meetings are held in Reynolds 114 on Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. The club can be contacted via Facebook and is always open to new members.