/Dropping poundage at the SAC

Dropping poundage at the SAC

By the time you read this article, autumn will already have taken hold and winter will soon be on its way. You don’t have much time left to take advantage of the warm central Alabama weather and exercise outside around campus.

For those of you that already have, I give you kudos. Montevallo is absolutely beautiful this time of year. I myself have put ten miles of Montevallo gravel and pavement on the soles of my Nikes.

For those of you that prefer a more climate-controlled atmosphere to exercise in, I recommend taking a visit to the Student Activity Center, better known as the SAC. The trained staff is a friendly bunch who can help you find the most appropriate and effective workout for you.

I am about to give you the best weight loss workout routine I have discovered while exercising at the SAC these past three weeks.

The real key to getting your SAC on (and losing permanent body weight) is to establish a routine of working out to shock your body into weight loss. CAUTION: Do not overexert yourself on the first day and lose your will to return the second day.

SAC manager Alex Hughes says, “If your goal is to melt away belly fat, come and work out three to five days a week for 60 to 90 minutes a session. Give your muscles the weekend to recover, and come back the next week.”

Start with a warm-up. Begin with 15 to 30 jumping jacks and toe-touches. As the week progresses, mix it up. Maybe incorporate a few Ashtanga yoga positions here and there. You can’t go wrong.

Once your joints are loose, work your legs by using a cardio room stationary bike or treadmill for at least 20 minutes. You want to establish a heart rate of 135 to 168, assuming that most of you are between the ages of 18 and 30. It helps if you listen to music that motivates you to keep moving. (Fall Out Boy and Lady Gaga do it for me.)

Finally, cool down with some muscle-molding weight training. My personal favorites are the crunch machine, the rear delts and the chest press.

After an intense workout, you will be a pool of sweat and need to rehydrate. It’ll help a great deal to bring a water bottle and a towel.

Again, I remind you that you don’t have to follow my routine to the letter. Mold it and make it into your own. You know what is best for your body.

“The SAC is here for all students and community members to use and take advantage of,” says Hughes. “Exercise is an essential part of staying healthy, after all.”


— Corey Johnson