/Celebrating Halloween in quarantine

Celebrating Halloween in quarantine

Graphic by Bell Jackson

Spooky season is a time where the season truly shifts. The time where three major holidays hit back to back every month that makes this semester even more fun, starting off with Halloween. Of course, this year Halloween is looking a little different because of COVID-19.  

According to NPR, the CDC has posted regulations and safety guidelines for this Halloween season by categorizing activities from low risk to high risk. The high-risk activities being trick or treating and both indoor and outdoor haunted houses. Moderate risk is going to pumpkin patches and outdoor scary movie nights which can be done with social distancing. Low risk activities include social distancing pumpkin craving at home both indoor or outdoor and an outdoor scavenger hunt. 

There are still activities to do this Halloween that are still safe, perfect for college students at any age. 

There is something special this Halloween that has not happened in seventy-six years. A blue moon on Halloween! Just go star gazing and watch the blue moon, which is amazing opportunity since the last one that appeared on Halloween was in 1944. 

If astrology is not your thin, have a sheet ghost photo shoot or a costume photo shoot. Pumpkin craving is approved by the CDC so carve all the pumpkins you want indoors or outdoors with a small group of friends while keeping your distance.  

Having a bake night is also a fun indoor idea. There are all sorts of pumpkin flavored and spooky theme treats to make. Just go on good old Pinterest, look up some treats and get baking!  

There are so many opportunities to have movie marathons. You can have a classic scary movie marathon, a marathon for your favorite franchise, a Stephen King movie marathon. But if you are not into horror you can have spooky themed movie marathons like a Simpson’s Tree House of Horror marathon which is available on Disney+ or you can binge watch Buzzfeed Unsolved, available on Hulu or YouTube. There entire the horror side of YouTube too.  

October is also a great time to stream a spooky playlist or listen to spooky musicals like “Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber on Fleet Street,” “Beetlejuice,” “Little Shop of Horror” or “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” There are also plenty of spooky podcast you can stream as well on Spotify like “My Favorite Murder,” “Let’s Get Haunted,” “Unexplained” and more. Reading is a great alternative for listening; Read some Edgar Allen Poe, ghost stories or writers like Stephen King.  

There are plenty of things to do this Halloween, but the most important thing is to stay safe, so wash your hands and stay spooky!  

Sarah Clayton is a writer for The Alabamian. She is a third-year senior theatre major who enjoys all things theatre related. When she is not writing for The Alabamian or busy with classes she enjoys listening to music, reading, making TikToks, watching movies or TV shows she has already seen and hanging out with friends.