/Ten candidates for consideration

Ten candidates for consideration


Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, claims his policies will “Make America Great Again” and has spoken passionately on three particular issues: tax reform, second amendment rights and immigration reform.

Trump aims to relieve middle class Americans of hefty taxes, leaving them more after-tax wages. Additionally,

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore

he wants to simplify the tax code as well as grow the economy so the U.S. may become globally competitive once more.

Trump is resolved in his position on gun ownership in America. He advocates for the presence of guns in the homes of law-abiding U.S. citizens, the legality of concealed carry permits in all 50 states and for the background check and mental health systems to be fixed.

When it comes to immigration reform, Trump is well known for his proposal of constructing a wall across the southern border of the U.S. He not only aims for the construction of such a wall but also intends to have the Mexican government pay for it.


Ben Carson

Ben Carson is a former neurosurgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins University. He was the first physician to successfully separate conjoined twins. Shown through his slogan, “Heal + Inspire + Revive,” Carson places a lot of importance on healthcare and creating stronger and more direct relationships between patients and their physicians.

He plans to replace the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts, which will reduce healthcare costs and empower families to make their own medical treatment choices.

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore

Carson has traditionally conservative principles when it comes to gun control laws and abortion. “I am unabashedly and entirely pro-life,” he says. “Human life begins at conception, and innocent life must be protected.”

Carson believes schools should carry part of the responsibility of student loan debt by paying for the interest on the loans for the students whom they enroll.

Although he often rallies against political correctness, Carson has also expressed that he would like to use the U.S. Department of Education to monitor college campuses for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if any is found.


Marco Rubio

490px-Marco_Rubio,_official_portrait,_112th_CongressWith his campaign marked by the slogan “A New American Century,” Republican nominee Marco Rubio has hopes to restore the notion that the American dream is real and achievable.

Rubio aims to deal with the issue of expensive college tuition by implementing an income-based repayment method as a means for universal repayment of federal student loans.  Rather than making tuition free, payments would be made in proportion to what borrowers earn.

Rubio also wants to reform the nation’s tax code and has written a plan that includes reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, as well as cutting the tax rate for all businesses to 25 percent.

Additionally, he aspires to reign in government spending by implementing a Balanced Budget Amendment and decreasing the size of the federal workforce in Washington.


Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz is a Republican senator from Texas. Because of his highly conservative platform, Cruz has quickly become one of the Tea Party’s favorite candidates.

Cruz is socially conservative, having expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion and amnesty Ted_Cruz_113th_Congressfor undocumented immigrants. He has voted against initiatives to protect the ecosystems of the nation’s coasts and the Great Lakes. He has also voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

Cruz’s stance on economic and foreign policy issues are typical of most conservative ideologies. He is in favor of mandating a balanced budget and slashing corporate tax rates to 15 percent. He believes that the country’s allies should depend on American leadership, and that the United States should defend its values overseas.


John Kasich

John Kasich the current governor of Ohio, has been referred to as “a moderate in conservative’s clothing.” He is part of the Republican Party but has gained media attention for his 428px-Governor_John_Kasichsomewhat liberal ideals.

Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in June, Kasich expressed that he believed in traditional marriage but that it was time to move on from the whole debate.

Kasich says he would consider granting legal status to illegal immigrants if they registered and paid a fine. Kasich also supports the expansion of Medicaid but ultimately wants to repeal and replace Obamacare because it has driven up the cost of health insurance and raised taxes in Ohio.

Kasich also supports Common Core, education standards meant to raise students’ proficiency in English and math. These standards are often opposed by conservatives. Under Kasich, two-year schools would be able to award bachelor degrees and adopt new online competency-based courses. This and the student debt relief fund that Kasich proposes aim to make college more affordable.


Jeb Bush (campaign suspended)

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore

In the continuation of this family affair, Jeb Bush plans to reform and regrow America through a complete overhaul of U.S. tax codes. As president, with a tight reign on border security, Bush plans to use new surveillance tactics with border patrol and to crack down on the number of illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities. In office, he plans to reform the care of and service to U.S. veterans and increase their opportunities.

With a belief that tax regulations are choking the American economy, budgeting and restricting regulators is certainly topping Bush’s list on his campaign trail. He also plans to promote innovation and lower costs of healthcare by breaking down the high entry barrier and by destroying the excessive costs and complexities that come with it.


Carly Fiorina (campaign suspended)

Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore

Carly Fiorina is a Republican senator from California who has announced her candidacy in the Republican primaries more recently than many of her fellow candidates. She was once the chairwoman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard and is now the chairwoman of  the American Conservative Union Foundation.

While Fiorina is socially conservative, she has arguably the most liberal viewpoints of any Republican candidate. Fiorina has stated that she is not in favor of same-sex marriages, but she is in favor of allowing same-sex unions. She is also in favor of equal pay for women. She aligns with other Republican candidates on the abortion issue, citing the “moral depravity” and “hypocrisy” of Planned Parenthood.

Fiorina’s conservative views of the economy align with most other Republican candidates. She believes that less taxation and government regulation will help the economy. According to her 2010 Senate campaign website, Fiorina believes that “the federal government must start with obvious reforms: abolishing earmarks, forcing honest accounting, taking the power to cook the books away from politicians, and limiting federal salaries and benefits.”




Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been at the forefront of the 2016 presidential race and is the current frontrunner of the Democratic nominees.

One of Clinton’s priorities, affordable health care, has been a concern of hers long before her 2016 campaign. She fought for it as First Lady and continues to do so now, emphasizing HRC_in_Iowa_APR_2015the expansion of healthcare in rural areas, lowered prescription drug prices and the assurance that women are provided with reproductive health care.

Clinton also wants to take steps in fighting climate change and in making America a clean energy superpower through the installation of solar panels and the generation of renewable energy to be utilized nationwide.

On the subject of higher education costs, Clinton has said that “We need to make a quality education affordable and available to everyone willing to work for it, without saddling them with decades of debt.”

Additionally, Clinton aims to put an end to sexual assault on college campuses by increasing prevention efforts through education programs and implementing a better support system for survivors.


Bernie Sanders

Photo courtesy of the Sanders campaign

As a Democratic candidate in the 2016 presidential election, the “Sandman” touches on issues like taking steps to making college tuition free and substantially cutting interest rates on student loans, creating decent paying jobs and lowering unemployment rate by upping the minimum wage and decreasing the income and wealth gaps by implementing a fair taxation. Racial justice, equality for women, LGBT equality and immigration rights are some main topics he’s flagging down on his run to the White House.

Strengthening and expanding our social security is at the top of his list. And as president, Sanders plans to protect American values with war as a last possible option while peace stays at the forefront.


Martin O’Malley (campaign suspended)

Martin O’Malley is the former governor of Maryland and the only life-long Democrat in the 2016 race for the presidency. O’Malley’s main issues directly involving college-aged voters include student loans, support of the DREAM Act and raising the minimum wage to $10 an hour.

O’Malley’s student loan policy ideas include refinancing and repayments based on income. He outlines his support of this issue, saying “We need to invest in our public colleges and universities to make college more affordable for more families.” The DREAM Act allows young illegal immigrants to attend college in the United States legally.

Other policies and practices O’Malley supports include the relaxing of laws against marijuana possession, federal investment in the middle class, protecting the civil rights of LGBT individuals and renewable energy initiatives.