/Two New SGA Senators Sworn In
Graphic by Bell Jackson

Two New SGA Senators Sworn In

By: Jacob Gross  

The past two SGA meetings were relatively quiet, and featured two new senators being sworn in, senator committee reports and discussions centered around problems with student workers. A few resolutions were in the process of being drafted, but none of the bills were ready to be put on the floor.  

Two new senators were sworn in. First was Corderion Hamilton, a senior transfer student who is majoring in environmental studies. Second was Rodney Rodano, a sophomore who is majoring in political science.  

The SGA Supreme Court applications are currently open on FalconLink. The SGA Supreme Court is in charge of interpreting the SGA’s constitution, similar to the U.S. supreme court.  

There was a request to extend the library’s hours on Saturday, but it was denied due to a lack of workers. It was not specified what the newly considered hours would have been. The library is currently open from 1-5 p.m. on Saturdays.  

In one committee report, Cody Hodge, student trustee for the SGA, informed the senate that Einstein’s Bagels is looking for five student workers. They are considering a starting wage of $9 an hour with a possibility of 150 extra flex points. Pita Pit is also looking for student workers, as they are currently understaffed. 

Hodge also had a meeting with President Dr. John Stewart III to discuss the future of the golf course. Stewart discussed converting the golf course into a mountain biking trail. Dr. Susan Caplow would like to use part of the trail to make an observational space designed for studying how nature reclaims man-made spaces.  

There was blood drive on Oct. 12 and 13 outside of the cafeteria. The SGA sponsored the blood drive in conjunction with LifeSouth Community Blood Centers.   

The University Program Council, a branch of the SGA, is holding a silent disco on Oct. 22 at 6 p.m. The disco is located at the Student Retreat Center and is B.Y.O.H. – bring your own headphones.  

Jacob Gross is a writer for The Alabamian. He is an English major with a creative writing minor. He has played guitar for a few years and really enjoys painting even though he believes he is bad at it.