/SGA swear in new members
Graphic by Bell Jackson

SGA swear in new members

By: Jacob Gross 

Both of the past SGA meetings were short, featuring mostly announcements and discussions around WOW weekends.  

Who’s Who applications are now closed. Jacob Heath, vice president of SGA, said that the blood drive with LifeSouth Community Blood Centers on Oct. 12 and Oct. 13 was a success, but he did not provide any numbers on how much blood was given or how many people donated blood.  

The senate discussed WOW weekends for Oct. 22 and 23, which were a silent disco and a screening of Hocus Pocus, respectively. To celebrate Halloween, there was an event called “Summoning Spirits” by Peter Boie on Oct. 25 and Halloween crafts on Oct. 14. There are plans for a Friendsgiving the weekend after Halloween.  

Allayna Berthellt, Jordan Kinney and Hannah Mallory were all sworn in as freshmen senators. London Breedlove was sworn in as a justice for the supreme court. 

Junior senator Josie Shaw has been in the process of drafting a resolution for trans students to make their voices heard. The bill would allow a process for changing your name in banner and add non-binary bathrooms to the campus.  

There was no new legislation put to the floor. 

Jacob Gross is a writer for The Alabamian. He is an English major with a creative writing minor. He has played guitar for a few years and really enjoys painting even though he believes he is bad at it.