/SGA recap
Graphic by Bell Jackson

SGA recap

By Jacob Gross

Montevallo’s SGA had a busy week. Two senators were sworn into executive cabinet, two new pieces of legislation were introduced, and the senate prepared signs for the upcoming Higher Education Day on Feb. 24. Additionally, the SGA senate hosted a Sexual Assault Town Hall in the Humanities Auditorium, which focused on sexual assault and harassment on Montevallo’s campus.  

Ethan Ivy, a sophomore political science major, was sworn into the role of Pro Tempore, expressed confidence that he would be right for the role of Pro Tempore. He was sworn in  

shortly thereafter. 

Joshua Brown, a sophomore communication major, was sworn into the position of Treasurer. In his speech, Brown emphasized his previous work in leadership positions, highlighting them as an example for how he will fill the role. 

Both Ivy and Brown ran unopposed.  

Following senate, the senators began making signs in preparation for Higher Education Day. The signs are a traditional aspect of Higher Education Day, as the event traces its origin to rallying and campaigning outside of the steps of the capital building.  

Immediately following their preparation for Higher Education Day, the SGA headed to Humanities Auditorium, where SGA Director of Diversity and Outreach Jamiaya Williams and the group planned a Sexual Assault Town Hall in conjunction with the Title IX office. SGA President AnaKate Andrasko commented, “with the Alabamian coming out with that article, students were having questions, and it’s our job as SGA to make sure that we have resources and answer their concerns to the best of our ability.”  

Jacob Gross is a writer for The Alabamian. He is an English major with a creative writing minor. He has played guitar for a few years and really enjoys painting even though he believes he is bad at it.