/SGA recap
SGA RecapGraphic by Bell Jackson

SGA recap

Graphic by Bell Jackson

The Sept. 30 SGA Senate meeting started off at 4:32 p.m. with executive announcements.  

SGA President, Thomas Dillard and Student Trustee Annakate Andrasko reported to the Senate on the results of the Board of Trustees meeting to consider buildings for renaming. They relayed to the rest of the senate the decision to rename Bibb Graves and Comer, and that Wallace was recommended to be renamed, but required state approval.  

There was a typo on the budget passed the previous meeting, which left off the Montevallo Organization of Gaming and there total funding of $1,100. The overall amount of funds on the bill was correct, so the necessary change was merely cosmetic.  

The Senate passed an amendment which added MOG to the previously passed bill.  

In other business, the Senate swore in four new senators: Alexis Martinez, London Davis, Kaleigh Gable, and Abigail Heuton.  

There was no new business brought to the floor at the Senates next meeting on Oct. 7, but there were several executive and committee reports.  

For executive reports, Dillard explained that he intended to send out a survey for all students to fill out for SGA to gather general feedback from the student body. 

For University committee reports, Andrasko explained to the senate the current plan for College Night this year. Both Purple and Gold will work together to create a show, and arrangements are being made with the University of Montevallo Esports team for virtual sports.  

SGA Vice President, Natalie Seavers, also took time to relay the plan to replace Moe’s and Smooth Sailing in Farmer Hall with Pita Pit.  

The meeting concluded with announcements. 

SGA will be hosting a blood drive on Oct. 22.