/SGA inducts three new senators, discusses campus events 
Graphic by Laryssa Molina-Becerra, Graphic designer.

SGA inducts three new senators, discusses campus events 

By Nethan Crew 

SGA Senate met on Sept. 13 to induct three new senators and discuss upcoming events. Opening the meeting, UPC coordinator Ivey Siegel talked about specifics on that night’s UPC event, Stuff A Friend, where students enjoyed Frios popsicles and made stuffed animals. 

During the meeting, SGA inducted junior Senator Danyelle Dukes, Arts and Science Senator sophomore Lee Harris and International Senator freshman Victoria Corcimaru as new senators.  

SGA President Colton Rodano spoke on a collaboration between UM and the University of Alabama. According to Rodano, the University of Alabama’s Blackburn Institute has a leadership program that they will be hosting on Oct 28. Representatives from the Blackburn Institute are going to be coming to Montevallo to mingle with student leaders.  

He also mentioned that Executive Cabinet will be at the event but anyone from SGA Senate is invited if they contact Rodano to RSVP. 

Next, committee reports were made. The Student Rights and Interests Committee is mainly focusing on accessibility around campus, especially near the Student Activity Center. They also brought up the idea of gazebos being placed around campus.  

Campus Life Committee talked about commemorating Dr. Stefan Forrester, UM’s philosophy professor that passed away this summer. Working with Faculty Senate, they have decided to name Humanities Hall room 308 after Forrester.  

In old business, Riley Watkins discussed how the SGA budget would be worked on and passed at the Sept. 20 meeting. This meeting was closed to everyone outside of Senate.  

Siegel also discussed other upcoming UPC events, Family Feud on Sept. 21, bubble soccer on Sept. 26, bingo night on Oct. 17, Haunted Attraction on Oct. 30, Vegas in Vallo on Nov. 14, Campus Spa on Nov. 27 and Midnight Breakfast on Nov. 30. 

Next, Watkins went over this month’s WOW Weekend events, which include karaoke and pizza on Sept. 22 at 6 p.m. and a DJ, photobooth and Zaxby’s at 12 p.m. on Sept. 23. She also said there will be a blood drive on Oct. 10 and 11.  

The meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m. 

Nethan Crew is the Assistant Podcast Producer for The Alabamian and Falcons On Air. He's a Psychology major and enjoys cooking, camping and listening to new music in his free time.