/On the Bricks with Madison Griggs

On the Bricks with Madison Griggs

Madison Griggs, On the Bricks correspondent
Madison’s questions:
1. What have you heard about Starbucks’ new red holiday cups?

2. What is your personal reaction to their reason for changing the cups?

3. If you were the president of Starbucks, how would you respond to the uproar?


Lily Womack

Lily Womack- Freshman Political Science major

  1. “People are saying it’s a war on Christmas.”
  2. “I think it’s reasonable, if I owned a business I wouldn’t isolate potential customers.”
  3. “I think they did a good cover up with the “draw your own story” thing. If you want to be angry, you’ll be angry.” 


Jybria Robinson


Jybria Robinson- Freshman undecided

  1. “I heard that Christians are really mad, and there’s a specific pastor who went into Starbuck’s and posted #merrychristmas on social media and people have been following him.”
  2. “I think it’s a bit overboard using religion as a reason to change their cups. It’s just a cup.” 
  3. “I’d keep it the same.”

Marcellus ThomasMarcellus Thomas-
Grad student, mental health counseling

  1. “I haven’t heard anything about it.”
  2. “I’m a Christian, I want to see Christmas ornaments or whatever on the cups. But if you’re Islamic or atheist some people might get offended and some people won’t. It depends on the person. If it’s not detrimental to the company why change it”
  3. “I would try to correct it, and get the customers involved. If they don’t care about it, leave it. If they want it back give it back. You can’t please everybody. Majority rules.”

For another perspective on the #redcups “controversy”, check out this editorial from our own Laura Poythress.