/On the Bricks with Keshia Mcclantoc

On the Bricks with Keshia Mcclantoc


  1. Why do you think Black History Month is important?
  2. Do you think University of Montevallo has done a good job in celebrating Black History Month?
  3. What else do you think could be done to honor Black History Month?

Erin Green, Sophomore Political Science and English Double Major

  1.  Black History Month is important because our current educational system whitewashes history. Black people have suffered a lot in this country but still have made amazing contributions to society. That needs to be celebrated.
  2. I feel like Montevallo has.They have had guest speakers, a black history trivia event and other activities.
  3. I think maybe having more events could help, but I’d honestly like to see more involvement with other minorities such as Women’s History Month, Native American History Month and LGBT History Month.

Senteraca Brown, Senior Biology Major

  1. I think that Black History Month is important because it teaches the youth of tomorrow about the struggle of our ancestors to remember what one has today was not given but worked for.
  2. I feel like Montevallo made good efforts to celebrate Black History Month as best as it can with its available resources.
  3. I would love to see incorporation of more minority organizations’ work and more school advertisements for these events.

Pandora Jones, Junior Theatre Major

  1.  I believe Black History Month is important because schools don’t teach you how important the non-famous black people were. It wasn’t just Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. The more Black people who are shown doing diverse things, the more Black youth are inspired to do great things. We need more things like “Hidden Figures.” No one knew that Black women were the backbone of those operations and it’s glossed over because no one with power is able to put it into the mainstream.
  2. I live off campus so I’ve only seen two events but I never had time to go to them or see what else they had.
  3. I feel like more advertising at each building could help get attendance from commuters like me. Also, I’d like to see more classes teaching little-known Black history facts and recommending events like the play, “The Green Book,” for attendance incentives.