/Mayor announces he’s cancer free at city council meeting
City Council in gold letters on purple backgroundGraphic by Bell Jackson

Mayor announces he’s cancer free at city council meeting

By Cady Inabinett 

Mayor Rusty Nix announced that he is now cancer-free at the beginning of the Oct. 25 Montevallo City Council meeting. 

Nix began the meeting by saying, “Before we get started, I’d like to let everybody know that today I became a special member to a special organization. It’s the cancer free organization.” 

He shared that he was diagnosed with cancer in April and that he underwent surgery to remove the cancerous area in the week prior. “Got the report back today— cancer free. Everything was contained to that one area, so I have no chemo or no radiation to go through,” he said. 

Nix went on to say, “That was through faith in God, family and friends, so thank y’all.” 

Two representatives from the Sons of the American Revolution, both donning full Revolutionary War regalia, were present at the meeting to award commendations to some of Montevallo’s first responders on behalf of the organization. Commendations were awarded to members of the Montevallo Police Department, the University of Montevallo Police Department and Montevallo Fire and Rescue.  

The council voted to approve an amendment to the municipal court budget in order to provide a 3% raise to the court’s judge, prosecutor, defense attorneys and court translator. Nix pointed out that these personnel, “were left off the increase we approved in the budget,” that was passed at the council’s Sept. 27 meeting. 

Council member Martha Eisenberg asked how much this would cause the city’s fiscal budget to increase. City clerk Steve Gilbert admitted that he didn’t have the exact figures at the moment, but that it would be, “well within our budget figures for court.” 

Gilbert went on to say, “This was just an oversight when we were preparing the budget. We included the magistrate and the assistant magistrate, but didn’t include the court personnel.” 

There were two first readings of amendments to other city ordinances, as well. The first was a proposed amendment to City Ordinance Section 24, Sec. 24-30. It would prohibit through truck traffic on streets within city limits, streets maintained by the city or on streets under the regulatory authority of the city. This ordinance would prohibit trucks with more than two axels from driving on roads with city limits and would not apply to delivery trucks making deliveries to residents within designated areas.  

The other proposed amendment would apply to City Ordinance Section 4, Sec. 4-183. It would establish a no-parking zone on the east and west sides of North Boundary Street from Valley Street to Oak Street. This would prevent drivers from parking along the curb on Boundary Street around Main Street Tavern—an area the council has discussed as a problem area for parking previously. Nix added that this ordinance would include painting the curb in that area to indicate that it’s a no-parking zone.  

Neither of these amendments were voted on at the meeting, but will be voted on at future meetings. 

The next City Council meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 8, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page. Citizens may also attend the meeting in person at City Hall. 

Cady Inabinett is the editor in chief of The Alabamian. She’s majoring in English and double-minoring in political science and peace and justice studies. She enjoys reading, watching movies, caring for houseplants and generally just being pretentious in her free time.