/Letter to the editor: “Turn the tide in a path of positivity”
Graphic by Bell Jackson

Letter to the editor: “Turn the tide in a path of positivity”

Dear Editor, 

            I’m taking time to write to you today in order to have my voice heard by the student body. We all use our platforms in our own ways and as seen by the harsh words from one of your writers, this platform has been used in a harsh and negative way.  

As someone who has ventured to learn and grow at The University of Montevallo, I find it hard to understand why someone would choose to spend their time degrading a group who is showing up week by week only to serve their peers. 

In an effort to turn the tide in a path of positivity, I would like to write about how, even during a pandemic where our mental health makes us feel like we are crawling to the finish line, our campus is coming together in order to show how we all belong at Montevallo.  

            SGA Executive Cabinet, Senate, and Freshman Forum have continuously worked with students and administration in order to help our campus grow for the better.  

We have seen legislation pass such as building name changes, support for reinstating visitation, and replacing the beach volleyball net. Events such as “Do Good” helped people take a moment to spread their positivity and thankfulness to the community and of course, everyone is excited that the Big Event is coming up soon.  

They are looking towards finishing strong and writing more pieces of legislation as we head into the home stretch of this semester. 

College Night was different this year in the most wonderful of ways. We saw people from sides we never thought could work together, put on a show, athletic events, and spirit fueled cheer routines that showed everyone that nothing can put this campus down.  

Groups such as the Exercise Science Club have not done one but are working on their second donation drive for Shelby Emergency Assistance. Our wide range of Greek life may not be active in person, but you can still feel their spirit as you walk the bricks.  

With membership growing for NPHC, IFC, and Panhellenic groups, we are sure to hear their joy as we get closer to the day we can safely be together again. I cannot forget our amazing student athletes as seeing them take the field, court, and track again is almost indescribable. To the groups I have named, and the countless others that deserve their own letter, I am thankful to you all for showing up for our campus.  

            All in all, this school year has not been easy on any of us, but as we are students, we take this time to learn and grow with each other. Please remember that if there’s something that is making you unhappy, then you have full power to make a change.  

Change is made every year through SGA and other student organizations, so take time to reach out and join! There’s always a seat that can be filled in Senate or a position to run for in the Executive Cabinet. I hope we all move forward into what comes next for each of us with full hearts and that fighting Falcon spirit that we all know and love.  

Best wishes,  

Natalie Seavers 

SGA Vice President 

Natalie Seavers