/Information about the campus climate survey
Graphic by Bell Jackson

Information about the campus climate survey

By: Samantha Cost 

On Sept. 27, Montevallo students received an email from Tony Miller Jr., Director of Student Conduct and Title IX Coordinator, about a Campus Climate Survey being administered by the university.  In the email, Miller explained that “The purpose of this survey is to inform the University on how safe students feel on campus, what is occurring on campus, and what areas of education are needed so students can feel safer on our campus.” 

Starting off, the campus climate survey asks students for their opinions on how they believe the university will handle issues regarding sexual assault. The survey then moves into more personal questions about students’ and peers’ own possible experiences with sexual assault this school year. 

More questions followed regarding if the university has provided adequate information concerning sexual assault procedures. Wrapping up, the survey asked students to provide personal information regarding their identity and what organizations they are a part of on campus. At the end survey, it provides useful links to reporting an incident of sexual assault, support for survivors of sexual violence, and Title IX Coordinator’s contact information. 

Miller said that the survey is completely confidential. He also revealed the results of this survey will not be published to students, and only the university will be able to view the data collected. From the results the university will look to see what areas need improvement and create a plan to address those areas.  

Miller hopes that this survey will give students a chance to be heard and express their concerns or experiences on this subject. Students wanting to participate in this survey should check their email for the link and login instructions. 

Samantha Cost is the business manager for The Alabamian. She is a freshman mathematics major and her hobbies include playing the piano, hiking and thrifting.