In an event that causes Aerosmith’s “Dude Looks Like a Lady” to play in your head, Alpha Gamma Delta held its annual He’s A Lady pageant. But this year the event was so popular that the crowd tested the limits of LeBaron Hall.
He’s a Lady is the spring philanthropy event for the women of Alpha Gam, and all proceeds go to support the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, which provides assistance to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
People began filling the seats and packing the place out until there was standing room only at the back and every stair had at least three people squished together. The fans were as varied as the contestants, which ranged from fraternity men to teammates on the university baseball and soccer teams.
This year, Alpha Gam changed the scoring procedure from written votes cast by the audience to a panel of judges. Those judges were Roberta Leichnitz, Mary Howard and Barbra Czeskleba. But regardless of how it was scored, it was a ton of fun for the spectators and the contestants.
James Kinney represented Alpha Kappa Lambda and said it was fun and he’d do it all over again.
“It was nerveracking … It gave me a greater appreciation for what women do,” Kinney said.
At the end of the night, Kevin Britt took home the grand prize while representing the women of Alpha Delta Pi. Britt recently accepted the very first bid offered to become a founding father of the new fraternity Phi Gamma Delta or “Fiji.” This marks He’s a Lady as one of the first indirect victories for the colony.

Adam Wagner and Josh Wiseman, the two men in charge of laying the foundation for the colony, were proud of their new brother.
“It was awesome. What a great event,” said Wagner. “Kevin accepted his bid today. I’m sure next year Kevin will come back to claim his crown.”