/College Night chameleon: Quincy Hall

College Night chameleon: Quincy Hall

The photograph run alongside the Q&A piece entitled “College Night Chameleon: Quincy Hall” is from the UM Gold Victory Photos Facebook page and was taken by Abigail Bradley. The photo was originally printed in The Alabamian’s Feb. 8, 2014 College Night Special Edition on page four.

Senior sociology major Quincy Hall was a Purple. And then a Gold. And then a Purple. And now a Gold. He shared with us his feelings on trading sides.

Were you initially a Purple?
Quincy Hall: When I was a senior in high school, I had a Purple friend who just had to adopt me—at my high school graduation they even gave me a cow! Even though I ended up with Gold, though, I really enjoyed getting to know Purple side.

How did you first choose a side?
QH: Choosing a side was complex for me—a big chunk of my friends were Purple. Even if I knew the Gold side was a better fit for me, I wanted to be with those friends. I still absolutely love all of those friends to death, but I am happy with the decision I made now. And I’m thankful for the Gold side—they honestly take “There’s always room for one more Gold,” seriously.

What is one thing you love about your side?
QH: I love the positivity of Gold side. We have a lot of spirit.

How do you know you’ve found your home on the Gold side?
QH: I love Gold’s sense of love and spirit. Gold is kind and loving and compassionate. They seem to not cast judgment, and, regardless of what people think, we value diversity. And we’re all about perseverance.

What advice would you give for people who have yet to choose a side?
QH: A lot of freshmen come here deadset on a side. I would tell them to wait and keep an open mind. I know several people who feel stuck with their side because they chose before they really knew where they belonged.

Have you faced any opposition from trading sides?
QH: If people are really my friends, then they’ll understand what I’ve been through with each side and how I feel now. It’s kind of like a “Perks of Being a Wallflower” thing. It’s about finding your place, finding your niche, finding an equilibrium.

What would you say to the people who criticize you for trading sides?
QH: I would say not to listen to rumors. When people change sides, it’s not always negative. It’s complex, and finding where I truly fit took some time. I would encourage people to release the stigma that comes with changing sides. There was a time when people switched sides, when people were free to choose the side where they best fit–they could switch, and it wasn’t in a spirit of hate. I think College Night is about Purple AND Gold. This tradition is not something to separate us, this is something to bring us together.