/Christmas Toy Drive hosted by UM Exercise Science Club 
Toy drive donation box. Photo by Amelia Valery.

Christmas Toy Drive hosted by UM Exercise Science Club 

By Madelyn Alexander, Editor in chief 

The University of Montevallo’s Exercise Science Club is hosting a Christmas Toy Drive in collaboration with Hargis Hope Center.  

Hargis Hope Center is part of Redemption Church and Hargis Christian Camp in Chelsea, Alabama. They started Hargis Hope Center to provide for kids in need in the Chelsea community.  

For Laura Jones, UM student and Social/PR Chair for the Exercise Science Club, this partnership means more than just spreading holiday joy.  

Jones has a personal connection to Hargis Hope Center. Hargis is where her parents got married and “it has always been a special place to them.” 

Jones spent her summer as a lifeguard at Hargis camp and she wanted to maintain her involvement during the school year. Hargis’s toy drive was the perfect choice for Jones when it came time for her to plan a campus service event for the Exercise Science Club.  

When she pitched the idea to the club president and faculty advisor, Jones said they were all for it.  

“I originally thought I was just going to be able to get the EXNS department involved,” Jones said. “In a matter of a few minutes the event was campus wide!” 

The toy drive began on Oct. 24 and will end on Nov. 30. There are donation bins in Myrick Hall, Farmer Hall, Main Hall, Hanson Hall, Napier Hall and New Residence Hall.  

Jones says they have received more toys for girls than for boys. However, toy donations for boys and girls of any ages are welcome.  

“Even the smallest donation like a football, a puzzle, a jump rope, Barbie Doll, could make a little kid’s Christmas so special.”