New Res hosts trick-or-treating for Boys and Girls…

Photo by Connor Bucy Every year for the last six years, the University of Montevallo has participated in a special trick-or-treat event in collaboration with the Montevallo Boys and Girls Club. The event, held in…

Night of the tape sculptures

Two of the tape sculptures from around campus. Photos by Jasmyne Ray. They arrived on campus overnight, seen hanging from trees and on the sides of street corners. They’re hard not to notice on a…

Gov. Bentley visits UAB in wake of Ebola…

The Ebola virus, which has taken an estimated 4,447 lives as of Oct. 14. Photo courtesy of CDC Global. Ebola is a disease that can only be contracted from direct contact with blood, vomit and…

Fal-Con’s first flight

Several convention attendees participate in Fal-Con's costume contest. Photo by Jane Goodman. An infamous belly dancer, random jokes about snakes, flashibg cameras at outrageous costumes. No, not an ordinary day in Montevallo, but an extraordinary…

Fiji gets fancy

Fiji member Kahlil Kyles has eye shadow applied during Groom A Phi Gam. Photo by Jasmyne Ray. Additional event photos here. Fiji is getting fabulous for more than just the laughs. Brothers of Montevallo’s Fiji colony…

A night with Dr. Ardovino- And all that…

Photo courtesy of the University of Montevallo Dr. Joseph Ardovino, commonly known as Dr. Joe, rhythmically tapped his fist for a brief moment and with just a look at accompanist Dr. Laurie Middaugh, began the…