/Spotlight: UM’s literary magazine “The Tower”
Graphic by Bell Jackson

Spotlight: UM’s literary magazine “The Tower”

By Noah Wortham

Ongoing since 1932, “The Tower” is the University of Montevallo’s annually published literary and arts magazine that is made of student contributions and put together by student staff. 

The university’s website describes the publication as “filled with creative works by student artists, poets, photographers, creative writers, and music composers, it celebrates the ways students express themselves.” 
The current members of the publication are Editor Ethan Cole and Graphic Designer Deidre Darby.  

Cole had much to say as it relates to “The Tower” and its relevance to himself and the university. 
Cole believes that “The Tower” and literary magazines in general are important because “they are designed elevate and amplify the voices of young people.”  

They serve as “a tool for developing writers and artists” and as “almost like a Microcosm of the Commercial Marketplace.” 
Cole explained that the publication is essentially a “low-stakes venue for students to workshop material; to determine which pieces work and which don’t.”  

Getting involved in “The Tower” also “provides a small amount of exposure for its participants, and by being involved, participants become familiar with one another,” Cole thought that this “is an important aspect of networking” and a “resume builder.” 
Cole became editor of “The Tower” on Jan. 27 after the previous editor resigned.  

He “got involved with the Tower because growing up, there was a local high school that had (sic) an excellent literary magazine. They had an awesome biannual publication and… social mixer…events that functioned as fundraisers.”  

Cole “thought that was really cool and wanted to be involved” but he “went to a different high-school, where there was no literary magazine. 
“I’m inspired to keep working on the Tower because I see all of the talented student artists and writers who are in classes with me.  I find a lot of their work really exciting and inspiring,” explained Cole.  “They all have such intelligent things to say and are finding really interesting ways of saying those things.” 
Although the publication has got this year’s anthology together, they still have plans “for the remainder of the year.”  

They are planning on an event for the purpose of “showcasing all of the awesome artists and Writers” who have “made this year’s Anthology so Distinctive.” The event, set to be around April 16, is also where they plan to announce the winners of a contest. 

Soon “The Tower” also plans to provide a revamped website where they will display pieces of artwork and creative writing. 

“The Tower” accepts submissions year-round and Cole encouraged students to send in their submission “if you ever have doubt about whether or not your submission was received.”  

“The Tower” typically aims to have a digital release early during the fall. 

They accept all types of creative writing and all types of artwork with 2-D and analog art working best but they are “open to new ideas.” 

Noah Wortham is the Lifestyles editor for the Alabamian. He is a fourth year English Major with a passion for music, video games and film.