/‘Signifiers, Dualities, and Dialogs’ exhibition
Gallery wall in "Signifier, Dualities, and Dialogs." Photo by Amelia Valery, Photo editor.

‘Signifiers, Dualities, and Dialogs’ exhibition

By Maeghan Jeremiah, Layout designer

An opening reception for the art exhibition “Signifiers, Dualities, and Dialogs” was held Feb. 23 in Poole Art Gallery from 4 to 6 p.m., showcasing artwork by Gregory Martin.  

Martin’s work can be found in private, public and corporate art collections. He received his Master of Fine Arts in Painting from Claremont Graduate University in 2002 after completing courses in visual art at California State University Long Beach and Claremont. He works as an assistant professor at Mississippi State University in the Department of Art. 

In Martin’s artist statement he says, “Although my paintings are most easily categorized as landscapes, I think of them as contemplative spaces in which to experience dualities and polarities within human nature, the natural world and the practice of painting.”  

Martin uses mainly flat skies and backgrounds with a tightly grouped range of color and value, not only create atmospheric depth and a push-pull effect with the foreground elements, but also a meditative space that color field painting can create. 

Throughout his works Martin likes to think of the scenes he depicts as, “a sort of collective unconscious as they are the spaces in between our destinations, in between nature and civilization, a view of the sordid artifacts of our backyard activities, before we’ve had a chance to pick up and present a crafted image of ourselves to our guests, revealing things  about ourselves that we are not comfortable with.” 

This exhibition will be available to view until April 27 in Poole Art Gallery. 

Maeghan Jeremiah is the layout designer for The Alabamian. She’s majoring in graphic design. She enjoys reading, painting and thrifting. She also does not like to think, so if she does something out of pocket just know she didn’t think before did it.