A green thumb: purple and gold

As people walk across campus they notice colorful leaves falling to the ground, squirrels gathering nuts and scenic beds of flowerbeds dotting the landscape with various colors. The hardest part about keeping the grounds is…

Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte Figi, 6, has suffered with Dravet Syndrome since she was 3 months old. This rare diagnosis is a severe form of epilepsy that elongates and increases the amount of seizures in patients. Only 50,000…

Awk. begins new season

A.w.k. Production Company began their new term with an interest meeting which was held Oct. 9. The current president Korey Wilson said they will be hosting elections soon to try to fill in the roles…

One sisterhood. One bond.

Nadia is your average 8-year-old girl, except for one thing—she doesn’t have an opportunity to learn. Her family can’t afford for her to attend school. The nearest school is too far away, and her mother…

UM students design games for the physically disabled

While gamers were furiously playing the latest installment of Grand Theft Auto, a group of UM students were brainstorming ideas for the most important part of the console—the controller. GameCareerGuide.com announced their biweekly Game Design…

Varagona wins liferaft debate

On Oct. 10 at 7 p.m., the sixteenth annual Life Raft Debate began. The participants included defending champion biology professor Brett Noerager, sociology professor Steve Parker, mathematics professor Scott Varagona, philosophy professor Steven West and…