/Awk. begins new season

Awk. begins new season

A.w.k. Production Company began their new term with an interest meeting which was held Oct. 9. The current president Korey Wilson said they will be hosting elections soon to try to fill in the roles for their seven–member cabinet.

The meeting began with Wilson welcoming everyone and explaining the agenda for the meeting. One of the main things they discussed was a possible Halloween party on Oct. 30. The theme will be “A Night at the Grammys.” The party will include contests, food, karaoke and more.

Other business included the decision by their dance interest group to secure a specific time each week to dance in Bibb Graves. This is open to anyone who wishes to join.

Wilson said he is excited for these plans to come into fruition and to see who all will lead this group in the next few weeks.

More information about Awk. Productions will be released via Broadcast email. The next meeting is undecided.

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